Connecting Communities Through Food.

Our goal is to empower locals and farmers.

Our Vision.

Sustainable Food System Squamish

Our store & company is designed to bring communities back to their kitchens where they will eat and cook together, organic food from scratch. The way it was always meant to be! Learn how to meal-plan with us below.

How It Works

  • Online Grocery Shopping Squamish

    Frequency Of Service

    We currently offer a pick-up once a month in Squamish. This will evolve as our community grows.

  • Organic Food Delivery Squamish

    Put In Your Order

    All orders must be in by the second Wednesday of the month before 5pm for pick-up the following week.

  • Ready-made meals Squamish

    Pay For Your Order

    A confirmation email will outline the availability of goods and the final pricing of your order.

  • Workshops in Squamish

    Pick-Up Your Order

    Pick-Up your order on the Thursday of the month at St. John the Divine Church between 4:30pm & 5:30pm.

  • Split your bulk purchases with your friends

    Split Your Bulk Order

    Divide and organize your bags and boxes of dry goods with your family / friends and start cooking!

How we do it.

Our food community enables us to help you manage your kitchen and time to provide clean, tasty & healthy food.

  • Online Grocery Shopping Squamish

    We source

    Knowing the companies & farmers we source our food from allows us to guarantee quality.

  • Organic Food Delivery Squamish

    We Tailor

    We get to know you to find food solutions that improve your well-being.

  • Ready-made meals Squamish

    We Create

    Food & workshops to allow people to store local, quality food all year round.

Why we do it.

As more people develop food allergies and hormone imbalances, we realize the importance of offering locally grown food to benefit our health and that of the planet.

Healthy Microbiome

Eating foods grown closer to home reduces allergies and strengthens our gut and immune system.

Supporting Farmers

Our company deals with the farmers, allowing them to focus their efforts on growing food and reducing spoilage.

Locally Sourced

We preserve local food to reduce the distance food travels and to minimize packaging and plastic use.

Our customers understand the importance

of eating home-made food.

The pillars of our food system.

  • Organic Food Delivery Squamish

    Farmers & Producers

    In order for our community and soil to thrive, we need to support those who take care of it.

  • Ready-made meals Squamish

    Bulk Foods

    We want to bring organic foods to our community with the aim of bringing prices down.

  • Foodscaping

    Every home in every community of the world should be growing food! We want this for Squamish.

  • Workshops in Squamish


    Cooking and canning alone isn’t the same as doing it in groups. Plus it’s much faster!